Your birth date numbers tell you the types of people you are likely to meet and form relationships with. Wed, By Team Astroyogi 1173 115 Numerology is quite popular amongst people these days Numerology believes that the study of numbers can reveal what destiny has in store for you and the good and bad things that can happen in your life. You bring in new conditions each time you change your name, but the birth path remains the same.
In numerology the birth date represents a strong force in your life since it is one vibration that never changes. Numerology puts numbers to your name and your birth and through a series of calculations can determine many things about you, help predict your future, and even. The native will encounter opportunities and difficulties in life according to the influence of numbers in his/her life. According to numerology, only a name and number rule a person. These dates are used to calculate one's destiny. The name you are given at your birth contains some of these vibrations as does your birth date.įrom earliest times humans have watched the heavens and recorded the dates of their births.

When you come into this world, it is with a unique set of vibrations and purposes. Although numerology has gained most of its popularity within recent years, it is one of the oldest of the occult sciences. Just as the right medical attention can cure a patient, similarly right astrological guidance can help solve many a problem. Each number has a hidden meaning and an interesting importance. Online numerology report and name change based. It is the study of numbers and each number has its own vibration and its own vibratory influence. In numerology reading the entire calculation is based on nine numbers. Numerology uses numbers to describe who a person is and what the destiny holds for a native. Numerology is the language of numbers and their symbolic significance. Numerology is a way to communicate with your inner self. The inner self knows its needs and chooses ways to fulfill them.

Everyone has a universal or karmic pattern. On these paths will be certain opportunities and special lessons designed for your own growth. In numerology your name and birth date represent a path chosen by your higher, spiritual self. Comprehensive Numerology Report: Know about your true self, your strengths and challenges Tell you about your most important years in life/pinnacles Help you. Numerological numbers are used to understand a persons personality. It is an unchangeable number and is retrieved from the sum of your birth month, birth date, and birth year. The purpose of numerology is not to foretell the future, but to provide you with keys to explore and discover your own potentials and destinies. Numerology reveals the meaning of the numbers hidden in our birth name and date of birth.